Construction of Greenstone Mine began in October 2021 and was advanced as a 60/40 partnership between Equinox Gold and Orion Mine Finance. On May 13, 2024 Equinox Gold completed its acquisition of Orion's 40% interest and consolidated 100% ownership of the Greenstone Mine and the Kenogamisis, Brookbank and Viper Properties into Equinox Gold.
Located in the Geraldton-Beardmore Greenstone Belt in Ontario, Canada, the properties are made up of several claim groups having a cumulative strike length of more than 105 kilometres along the district's most prospective geological structures. The properties have excellent access to infrastructure, including the Trans-Canada Highway (Canada's national highway) and the TC Energy’s natural gas pipeline, which extends along its length.
Greenstone Mine will be one of the largest open-pit mines in Canada, with production estimated at more than 400,000 ounces of gold annually for the first five years. Greenstone Mine will also be a long-life mine, with an initial mine life of nearly 15 years from the existing more than five million ounces of gold reserves, and multiple opportunities to both extend the mine life and increase production by expanding the open pit and developing both underground and near-mine deposits.
Greenstone Mine will be Equinox Gold's cornerstone asset, as its largest, lowest-cost mine, and will be transformative for the Geraldton region of Ontario, providing employment, business opportunities and community benefits for years to come.